
3 things teachers told me about the curriculum for Wales 2022 and what it could mean

Only 6 days to go!

april calander with notes.JPG

Is anyone else counting down the days until the draft curriculum for Wales is revealed? And wishing it had been released in the holidays so we could take some time to explore it (though one can only assume it is to be released after the holidays to encourage teachers to actually take a holiday which is, of course, to be applauded).

Looking through the WG guidance on preparing for the new curriculum with teachers and schools, 3 common themes emerged.

  1. Teachers were excited by the possibility of a more flexible curriculum.

  2. Teachers were concerned there wouldn’t be enough detail in the new curriculum, leading to different interpretations of the same statements.

  3. Teachers were concerned about how time-consuming it was to unpick the ‘jargon’ used in the new curriculum and the implications this would have on knowing about the new curriculum and understanding how to do the new curriculum.

It would be a rare teacher that is an expert in all six AoLE and therefore comfortable with all the jargon, which expresses concepts so well but to those not in the loop can make a difficult job near impossible.

Curriculum for Wales 2022 – a blog for busy teachers will offer time-effective resources to support teachers in their journey to engage with the new curriculum and be well placed to feedback their views over the next few months.

Maths AoLE - a quick guide for busy teachers

Maths AoLE - a quick guide for busy teachers

Maths AoLE - going deeper for busy teachers

Maths AoLE - going deeper for busy teachers

Each blog will break down an aspect of the new curriculum for the Maths and Numeracy AoLE, looking at what it means and how it might look in the classroom. It will enable teachers to understand how to do the new curriculum and what it might look like in their context.

I am excited by the possibilities for the new curriculum and looking forward to creating resources to help teachers engage fully with the draft materials and start to think how Curriculum for Wales 2022 can be used in their own school context.

What are your thoughts on the new curriculum? Are you excited or worried? I’d love to hear your thoughts below.

Let’s start a conversation!

P.S. Thought you may find these useful too

LLC AoLE - a quick guide for busy teachers

LLC AoLE - a quick guide for busy teachers

LLC AoLE - Going deeper for busy teachers

LLC AoLE - Going deeper for busy teachers