Draft Curriculum for Wales 2022

5 things you need to know before you can feedback on the Curriculum for Wales 2022

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Schools have until July 19th, just under 9 weeks away, to digest and feedback on the draft curriculum guidance, including looking at each AoLE in detail as well as the assessment proposals. So what 5 things do we need to know before we can feedback?

1 - What you can feedback on

The model of areas of learning and experience are not up for discussion but schools can feedback on the focus and wording of any component of the areas of learning and experience.

2 - How you can feedback

Schools can feedback online, or they can download the response form and feedback by email or by post.

Download feedback response form

Download feedback response form

3 - What you think for learners

(feedback response question numbers)

Schools will need to consider how well the draft Curriculum for Wales 2022 guidance will help learners to:

  • become ambitious capable learners, healthy confident individuals, ethical informed citizens and enterprising creative contributors (A1)

  • gain a broad range of learning experiences (B2)

  • support learners during the Foundation Phase years (B7)

  • specialise in a particular discipline or subject from the age of 14 (B3)

  • develop skills in the cross-curricular responsibilities and wider skills (B5)

  • progress at appropriate pace for their development within the AoLE from 3 to 16 (B8)

  • provide a basis to help young people progress beyond the age of 18 (B9)

How well the what matters statements sum up the priorities for learners. (A2)

4. What you think for teachers

How helpful you find the draft Curriculum for Wales 2022 guidance for:

  • developing a curriculum for your learners (B1)

  • giving you the flexibility and support to design a curriculum specific to your learners (B4)

The implications of the draft Curriculum for Wales 2022 guidance on your professional development needs (B13)

Do you think the draft Curriculum for Wales 2022 guidance could be improved? (A3)

Your views on reporting to parents. (A5)

How you think the LNF and DCF could be refined to support the development of literacy, numeracy and digital competence across the new curriculum. (B6)

How well the assessment proposals:

  • support schools to identify a learners strengths, achievements and areas for improvement so teachers can identify next steps (A4)

  • promote formative assessment being given primacy in the the new curriculum (B10)

How your school will put the broader approach to moderation outlined in the assessment proposals into practice. Will you need further support? (B11) Are there any practical issues for schools? (B12) What are the professional learning challenges and opportunities? (B14)

5. what you think for Specific AoLE

  • Do you have any specific feedback on any of the AoLE? (C1)

  • How well do you think the progression steps in the Mathematics and Numeracy AoLE articulate the proficiencies illustrated in the principles of progression? (C2)

  • How well do the learning sections within the Languages, Literacy and Communication AoLE provide for learners to develop translanguaging skills (the use of different languages together)? (C3)

  • How well the AoLE provides for the development of language acquisition and learning. (C4)

  • How well the Health and Well-being AoLE support a whole-school approach to supporting health and well-being? (C5)

So what is the purpose of feedback? Is it worth it?

 Primarily it is to:

  1. Grow understanding amongst the wider profession and understand their initial perceptions of the curriculum.

  2. Inform next stage of curriculum refinement.

 Secondary outcomes are:

  1. Intelligence capture in respect of professional support for the curriculum.

  2. Initial intelligence for school self-evaluation.

  3. Assess and quantify the need for further communication and engagement for the profession.

This is a mammoth task for schools on top of their day job and there are events planned to support schools throughout the summer term. This is an exciting time for education in Wales and I hope that this blog will help you, as busy teachers, to engage.


Looking at resources to support feedback