Our Partners

All great things start with a single step

We are proud to have worked in partnership with Children's Musical Adventures to deliver our musical, numerical reasoning trails. Our highly–rated numerical reasoning trails provide learners with fun and engaging opportunities to develop and apply their procedural and numerical reasoning skills.

Find out more or book a trail here

A brilliant workshop that I am sure will live long in the memories of the children and school.
— Rhigos Primary, Aberdare

Rachel is an ambassador for The Global Math Project. The aim of the project is to thrill 1 million students, teachers, and adults with an engaging piece of mathematics during one special week in 2017; to have its reach grow significantly each year; and to initiate a fundamental paradigm shift in how the world perceives and enjoys mathematics. We transform and declutter mathematics content to reveal its coherence, meaning, and joy.

Play Exploding dots

Play Exploding dots


Purpose 4 Dragons Community
Excited to be part of this ultimate learning experience for teachers and pupils.

2 days of great CPD for learners and staff, resources and planning for a project back in school, all culminating in a live performance in front of thousands.

A collaboration with seven inspiring educators working in partnership with Dragons Community at Rodney Parade. 

Click on the logos to find out more about our partners in this project.