The Llygaid Mathemateg Concept
Mathematics is everywhere in the world around us. Using our ‘Llygaid Mathemateg’ helps people to see the fun in maths and encourages mathematical discussions - mathematics becomes real and meaningful.
Using Llygaid Mathemateg can deepen conceptual understanding, develop mathematical vocabulary and discussion, and encourage making links between concepts.
A Simple introduction to Llygaid Mathemateg
Llygaid Mathemateg can be used as a starting point for a topic, as a plenary activity or at a regular time in the school day such as a morning task or settling down task after play.
After a general initial discussion of the images, learners should put their 'Llygaid Mathemateg' on and see what they can see.
Each image has some question prompts for the adult leading the discussion. It is not an exhaustive list of questions and teachers should tailor the questions to suit their class. As staff and learners become more familiar with ‘Llygaid Mathemateg’ they will begin to develop their own mathematical questions.